私立学校可以给你的孩子一个竞争优势 但他们必须先进去.

The S坐 is required for entrance at many competitive private primary, middle, 还有高中. 近年来,私立学校全面报告 他们有史以来最低的录取率. 康涅狄格州的乔特罗斯玛丽大厅接受 19% of applicants, Philips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire accepts 18% of applicants, and Philips Academy in Massachusetts accepts just 14% of applicants. 确保你的孩子有入学所需的S坐分数.


我们保证你的革命导师将是你最好的私人导师 跟我一起工作,否则你一分钱都不会给. 我们对质量很有信心 of our full-time tutors, that if you decide to cancel for any reason within 前30天*是免费的.


*First 30 days or 6 hours of tutoring completed (minimum 1 session), whichever comes first.


The Secondary School Admission Tests (S坐) is an assessment for students hoping to earn a seat in grades 3-12 at some of America’s most prestigious 私立学校. S坐考试分为三个不同的等级 根据他们目前的成绩:

  • 进入四年级和五年级的初级水平
    • 三年级考试(四年级入学)
    • 四年级考试(五年级入学)
  • 中级- 6-8年级入学
  • 高级- 9-12年级入学




The Elementary (Lower) Level for the S坐 has a different structure and is 比中高水平考试短得多.

The Elementary Level S坐 has four sections (1 hour 50 分钟):


Both the 中级和高级S坐 have six sections (3 hours 5 分钟):

Apart from the unscored essay, all questions on all levels of the S坐 are 多项选择.


Students hoping to secure a seat at some of America’s most competitive 独立学校和私立学校. 近年来,各地的私立学校 董事会报告了他们有史以来最低的学生录取率 来自世界各地的人争相获得认可. S坐(连同ISEE) serves as a way for students to distinguish themselves when it comes to 申请流程. 大多数学校会接受S坐或 ISEE考试.



The quantitative sections on the S坐 assess students in basic quantitative 概念、代数、几何和空间感. 这些概念的难度 根据所参加考试的水平而有所不同.

The verbal section on the S坐 consists of synonym and analogy questions. 这些 sections test understanding of language, word relationships, and nuances in word 的含义 by relating them to words with similar but not identical 的含义.

The reading section on the S坐 tests a student’s ability to read and comprehend 文本段落. 不像S坐其他部分的问题,这些问题 within the S坐 reading section do not generally progress in difficulty as a 学生通过他或她的方式完成部分.

For the writing sample section of the S坐, test takers are given the following 示例的选项:


在官方报名参加S坐考试 S坐网站. 有两个 注册S坐的选项:

A student may take the Middle/Upper Level S坐 on all eight Standard test dates. A student may only take one S坐 Flex Test per testing year (August 1 - July 31), 除了标准测试之外.

For the Elementary Level S坐, a child may take the Third Grade S坐 only once during the testing year (August 1- July 31), and the Fourth Grade S坐 may only 考试一年考两次.


The regular registration fee for the S坐 is $84 (Elementary Level S坐) or $124 (中高级S坐).


Properly preparing to excel on the S坐 can have a significant impact on a student’s success in getting into the school of his or her choice and excelling 一旦他们到达那里. 重要的是要记住,学生静坐是为了 the S坐 (and the ISEE) are some of the best and brightest from around the world, so the level of competition will be unlike any exam a student has taken before.

有许多资源可供学生使用. 不管是伸出手去 the teacher for extra support, joining a study group, or finding a tutor to help them prepare to pass the test, any additional effort invested now is going to pay 从长远来看是不可能的.

At the very minimum, buying a study guide with practice tests can help get your 学生熟悉考试的内容和结构.


如果一个数字的40%是200,那么这个数字的20%是200 号码是

A) 10
B) 20
C) 40
D) 100
E) 200
答: D


No. 一个考试并不比另一个容易. 理解这一点很重要 about the ISEE and the S坐 is that both exams test for the same material. They are offered by different organizations, but students who take the ISEE and S坐考试要求考生掌握以下内容:

  1. 数学
  2. 语法技巧
  3. 词汇表
  4. 阅读理解
  5. 逻辑推理
  6. 论文写作

If you want proof of this, go online or to a local store and try to find a book that only covers the ISEE or the S坐 – you will not, because publishers have 发现创建单独的书籍效率很低.

是的,这很重要. 如果内容基本相同,您可能会感到疑惑 “为什么学生参加哪种考试很重要?原因是,尽管 underlying content is similar, the exams are unique in the cognitive abilities 他们正在评估,他们的结构,他们的评分. 这些差异 会符合学生的独特优势吗.


  • The student has a mastery of the material, but has issues with timing and 用奇怪的措辞提问
  • The student is stronger on math than verbal/reading - ISEE weighs math heavier 比S坐(1/2数学在ISEE vs. S坐数学占1/3)


  • The student is good at solving puzzles and dealing with complex wording and 概念
  • The student is stronger on verbal/reading than math (2/3 verbal/reading weight bat365S坐 vs. 1/2口语/ ISEE阅读)

这些仍然只是指导方针,而不是具体的规则. 这对学生来说是最好的方式 to decide is to complete a practice exam for each test and see if they have a “考试偏好”——他们自然表现更好的考试.

The S坐 will send official score reports only to those 学校 that students 指定. 成绩报告不列出参加S坐考试的次数 存档的分数报告的数量.

No. S坐数学部分不允许使用计算器.

The S坐 does not “Super Score” – Which means that students cannot combine the 各考点的最高分数线.

是的. 学校可以查看学生的S坐论文.


  • Elementary Level S坐 test: There is no guessing penalty on the multiple S坐初级阶段的选择题. 学生应该做所有的 questions they know, then the questions they can eliminate and guess, and then 他们应该对一个部分的剩余问题进行随机猜测.
  • Middle and Upper Level S坐 tests: Correct answers are worth one point; 不正确的答案扣0.25分. 如果你至少能消除 一个答案,你应该猜到. 如果不能排除任何答案,离开 空白的问题.

There is no statistical advantage in selecting one test date over another. Students should choose test dates that make the most sense for their schedule 他们的准备工作.

At all levels, students receive the following information for the four scored 部分:

  • 量表得分:
    • Elementary level: Scale of 440-710 for Verbal, Quantitative, and Reading (1320 - 2130)
    • Middle and upper levels: Scale of 500-800 for Verbal, Quantitative, and 读数(1500-2400共)
  • 百分位数(1至99)
  • 12年级坐预测分数范围(仅限7年级至10年级)

Scores on the ISEE are in comparison only to students in the same grade who 在过去三年内参加过考试吗.

没有一个“好”的S坐分数. 分数的质量取决于 学生申请的学校.

The Middle and Upper Levels of the S坐 include a 15-minute unscored section (16 total questions) at the end of the exam which is used solely for research 目的. 本部分用于测试考试中可能出现的问题 S坐的不同版本. 学生必须修实验课 S坐的中上两级.

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